Please give a warm welcome to our newest staff member, Ashley Wiensch, who is teaching English as a Second Language, (ESL). We wish her the very best! #brillionlions

Orange Chicken or Beef Teriyaki today at the High School. Such a hard choice to make!

Brillion music students shared their talents with the community for the Brillion Area Family of Funds annual tree-lighting event. Middle school and high school students played a variety of familiar holiday tunes under the direction of Ms. Pamperin, and Ms. Rice led a choir of elementary, middle, and high school students in singing some fun Christmas carols. The students enjoyed spreading some holiday cheer! #brillionlions

Basic Foods class found a nice day to grill out before the break. Mrs. Graminske wanted to take advantage of, what may be, our best opportunity over the next two months for some grilling lessons. #brillionlions

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year!
The elementary, middle, and high school offices are closed and will reopen on January 2, 2024. #brillionlions

Fourth grade designed and built catapults in their energy transformations class. They had to test their catapults for distance, height, accuracy, and strength. Things were flying everywhere! #Brillionstem #brillionlions

The 4k students had a Holiday Helping Hands day where they collected donations, and made cards and ornaments for West Haven Nursing Home, Garrow Villa Nursing Home, and Hearts for Home Adult Care facility. The families were very generous! #brillionlions

Mr. Peterson's Physical Science class is learning about the chemistry of tie-dying today!

Mrs. Cousin's 2nd graders did a great job on their circle relief sculptures during Mrs. Smits's clay lessons. #brillionlions

Members of the Wrestling Team came over to autograph their poster for the elementary students! #brillionlions

Applications for the Harvey G. Baker Memorial Scholarship Program are now available.
Mr. Baker, a lifetime resident of Calumet County, established a generous scholarship fund to benefit graduates of Brillion, Hilbert, Kiel, New Holstein and Stockbridge High Schools who have resided in Calumet County for their entire high school education. Mr. Baker's brother had previously established a similar scholarship program for Chilton High School.
The eligibility criteria and the application process are explained below.
Eligibility Criteria:
There is no limit to the number of times a student may apply or be selected to receive a scholarship. Theoretically, a student could receive a scholarship for every year of their undergraduate and graduate education.
To be selected to receive a Harvey G. Baker Memorial Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
1. Graduate of Brillion, Hilbert, Kiel, New Holstein or Stockbridge high schools.
2. Resident of Calumet County for entire high school education.
3. Attending, or planning to attend, a UW-system institution as a full-time student. Students attending UW-two year colleges must be planning to pursue a four-year baccalaureate degree.
4. Ambition and ability to attain a higher education.
5. For reapplication: undergraduate students must be full-time students (12 credit minimum) each semester and have a 2.5 cumulative (not combined) GPA; graduate students must be full-time students (as determined by the college) and have a 2.5 cumulative (not combined) GPA.
Application Process:
To apply, high school seniors and other first time applicants submit only the one-page application to the counselor at their high school. Application forms are available online at all school websites. All application materials must be received by February 14, 2024.
Both undergraduate and graduate students must submit the application form and an official copy of their transcript showing the most recent fall semester grades. It must be sent directly from the college they are attending. FAXED TRANSCRIPTS AND TRANSCRIPTS ISSUED TO STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. If you have questions about the Harvey G. Baker Memorial Scholarship program, you are advised to contact Ms. Holmes.
Again, all application materials must be received by February 14, 2024 and the form is available at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoxlyoKv5Uxuqsvqb17aO_JdCnV6Ak8gSBhUCcqmXx5oVLtA/viewform

Take a look at the great sweater participation in Mrs. Matzdorf's 3rd-grade class. #brillionlions

The BVC (Brillion-Valders-Chilton) swim & dive team is off to a great start this season, with a recent win in their home triangular on Dec. 14 where Brillion's Tarik S. took 1st place in diving. On Dec. 16 BVC took 4th place at the Port Washington Pirate Invitational, beating conference rivals Kiel and Two Rivers. BVC had several top 6 podium finishes in both individual and relay events, including a 2nd place finish for Tarik in the diving competition with a career high score. Their next meet is January 6th at Sheboygan North. Keep up the great work, Team BVC!

A great class of second graders from the 1985-1986 school year! #throwbackthursday #brillionlions

4th-grade students would like to thank everyone who donated to the food pantry collection. We are so excited to be able to help those in need in our community. #brillionlions

Brillion High School Art Students attended the Bergstrom Mahler Museum of Glass Workshop where the kids were able to tour the museum and then work with glass creating their fused glass piece of artwork. A special thank you to Dr. Jeff Zdrale for sharing the history of the museum as well as information and history of the glass paperweight collection on display. The student glasswork will be part of the Bergstrom Mahler Museum High School Glass Show in February. #brillionlions #bergstrommahlermuseumofglass

I would like to share a post by, Brandi Trace, who originally posted this on Brillion Views and News. Thank you, Brandi, for the kind words during this Holiday Season!
"Just want to give a shout-out to our superintendent, Mr. Baumgartner. I was just at
Tadych's Marketplace Foods and he was there ringing the bell for The Salvation Army. To some, this may not be a big deal as there are always people out there ringing the bell. To see our superintendent out there making a difference speaks volumes. Thank you, Mr. Baumgartner!" #brillionlions

Kindergartens' next two stops for their toys around the world unit were Africa to make a spinning buzzer and China to make a jianzi. #brillionlions #brillionstem

Toys around the world! What a great unit for kindergarten to have right before Christmas. In the STEM room, they are making toys to bring home. Cup and ball originated in Mexico and Hoopla in Italy. #brillionstem, #brillionlions