Open Enrollment Information
Thank you very much for your interest in joining the families of over 120 students who annually select Brillion Public Schools as their "District of Choice"!
Open Enrollment Forms and Information
Regular Application Period -February 3, 2025-April 30, 2025
The open enrollment regular application period begins at midnight on Monday, February 3, 2025, and continues until 4:00 pm on Friday, April 30, 2025.
Formulario de inscripción abierta para el año escolar 2025-2026-Spanish
Screenshots of Sample Open Enrollment Parent Application 2025-26 School Year
Alternative Application
An alternative application procedure allows pupils to apply for open enrollment at any time during a school year if certain criteria are met.
Moves and Tuition Waivers|
If a pupil moves from one school district to another school district, the pupil’s resident school district changes as a result. In most cases, the pupil enrolls and attends school in the new resident school district. However, often the pupil wishes to continue to attend the former school district. The pupil may do so under either a “tuition waiver due to a move” or public school open enrollment or both.