Students in Personal Finance have been learning about investing. The students were making a mutual fund by moving different real world stocks and trying to figure out what their average return rate would be. The students have learned about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, index funds, target date retirement funds, 401(k)s and IRAs. They are ready for retirement already in high school! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Business 2
Business 3
FCCLA (Family, Career, & Community Leader of America) recently made homemade apple pies for our vets then helped serve pie, ice cream and coffee after during lunch after the Veteran's Day program. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Apple Pie
Apple Pie 2
Apple Pie 3
Apple Pie 4
Introduction to Business and Marketing students just finished a marketing project. They expanded upon a Coca Cola Product where they had to describe the Marketing Mix, present on their product, and design the label for their drink. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Business 1
First Snowman of the Year! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
The Lifetime Fitness Classes had an opportunity to go bowling in Brillion. Two of the days were "Cosmic Bowling," which everyone loved! All the students did a great job, but a special congratulations to Ashton, who scored a 212 last Thursday, way to go, Ashton! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
bowling 3
Bowling 2
The Brillion High School (BHS) band and choir students will perform their winter concert on Sunday, December 18, 2022, @ 7:00 pm in the Endries Performing Arts Center. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
HS Concert
The ROAR 11-14-2022 #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
The Roar
Motivational Monday! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Motivation 11-14-22
Some 7th grade math students took advantage of the nice weather yesterday, spending part of class learning outside. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Math Students
Math Students 1
Brillion Public Schools would like to wish all the Veterans a Happy Veterans Day! With honor, respect, and gratitude, thank you Veterans for your service! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Veterans Day
4K students are creating turkeys! Gobble Gobble #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Turkey 1
Turkey 2
Turkey 3
Throwback Thursday in the Food Service Department! The department was given these amazing children's school meal posters with a copyright date of 1958! The posters will be displayed in the Middle School Food Service office as a remembrance of the importance of our work! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
1958 2
1958 3
1958 4
BHS will be livestreaming the student athlete signing of their letter of intent for both Megan and Jeremy. It will be on the Brillion High School Athletics YouTube page. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Brillion High School would like to invite you to attend the college signing for two of our student athletes that will be playing college basketball. The event will take place at Brillion High School, Thursday, November 10, 2022, in the Gymnasium beginning at 2:30pm. During this time we will have Megan Schuman and Jeremy Lorenz signing their college national letter of intent. We look forward to seeing you. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
College Signing Day
The Brillion Middle School will be performing the winter choir and band concert on Monday, December 12, 2022, at the Endries Performing Arts Center. The choir will perform at 6:30 pm followed by the band at 7:30 pm. All are welcome to attend and enjoy the festive music! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
MS Choir and Band
Congratulations to BVCK girls swim team for a great season! #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Swimming 2
Brillion High School Student Athletes attended the Eastern Wisconsin Conference Leadership and Sportsmanship Summit on Tuesday November 1st at Chilton High School. Students had the opportunity to listen and discuss leadership/sportsmanship topics with multiple guest speakers and to interact with other students from our conference schools. It was a great day for all the schools in the Eastern Wisconsin Conference. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
EWC Attendees
Today, November 8, 2022, is the Statewide General Election Day. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Talk About It Tuesday
The Kindergarten Class has been talking about the past and present in Social Studies. Ms. Wenzel's class made corn cob dolls like children played with in the past. #brillionlions
over 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Corn Cob Dolls
Officer Parker from the Brillion Police Department visited Mrs. Geiger's class to show them how drones fly and how they are used to help people. #BrillionSTEM, #BrillionLions
over 2 years ago, Corey Baumgartner
Officer Parker and drone
Officer Parker and drone #2