Have you visited Brillion Public Schools lately? Now is your chance! The Brillion Public School District will be hosting two meetings for our community members to learn more about the April 4 operational referendum with the first one to be held on Feb. 21 at 5:45 pm at Brillion High School within the Endries Performing Arts Center. That meeting will also take place before the District's showing of the film ANGST @ 6:30 pm. See you there!
#BrillionLions #Committed

Students in 4th grade celebrated the end of their unit by playing a "Guess the Book Emoji Game". Students had to use clues to determine the title of 30 different books. Pictured below are the top 4 winners in Mrs. Hause's class. Way to go! #brillionlions

Please welcome Sharon Adamski to Brillion Public Schools. Sharon was hired for the position of Elementary Special Education Paraprofessional. Congratulations on becoming the newest member of BPS's team! #brillionlions

Today is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! Thank you to Captain TJ Bastian for all that you do to keep our students and staff safe!
We appreciate you not just today, but every day!

BVC (Brillion, Valders, Chilton) Boys Swim Team is STATE BOUND
The BVC Team started Friday night with Tarik S. (Brillion) qualifying for State in dive and carried that success into the swim portion on Saturday. BVC placed 3rd as a team at Sectionals. Gavin B. is State qualified in the 200-yard Individual Medley and the 100-yard Butterfly. All 3 relays are State qualified: the 200 Freestyle Relay consisting of Gavin B., Bryce V., Bryce H., and Kevin H.; the 400 Freestyle Relay consisting of Gavin B., Bryce V., Bryce H., and Kevin H.; and the 200 Medley Relay consisting of Jack S., Alex H., Bryce V., and Kevin H.
Go BVC!! #brillionlions
Division 2 State Swim & Dive Meet | Friday, February 17, 2023
12:30 p.m. - Doors open for spectators
1:30 p.m. - Diving Competition Begins
4:30 p.m. - Doors open for spectators
5:30 p.m. - Swimming Timed Finals
Waukesha South High School Natatorium

I am happy to welcome Martin to the Brillion Public Schools team. Martin began his work in November and has been extremely valuable! Martin works with English Language Learner (ELL) students in elementary, middle, and high school. He also translates for our parents when needed and helps parents complete school forms if necessary.
Thank you, Martin, for serving our students, staff, and parents! #brillionlions

Talk-About-It-Tuesday #brillionlions
From Mrs. Hubley-Kedinger-Less Screen Time Means Healthier Mind and Body

Motivational Monday 2-13-23. Have a great week! #brillionlions

This student finished his work early, so he wrote a note to share with everyone to brighten their day. ❤ #brillionlions

Boys JV and JV2 basketball game is cancelled, but the varsity is still playing at 7pm. Doors will open at 6pm. #brillionlions

Gnome Games came to the Elementary STEM center for Family Game Night. Families were able to try many games they have never played before as well as play some familiar games. #brillionlions

The Baker Scholarship for Brillion students who are or will attend a UW college and live in Calumet County is due Feb. 14, 2023.
Current college students need an application and their college transcripts.
Current seniors just need an application and information about the college they will be attending.
This is the link https://tinyurl.com/bdhp35wp for the application; it must be downloaded as a PDF and submitted to Ms. Holmes on or before Feb 14. rholmes@brillionsd.org

This week is National School Counseling Week(NSCW).
NSCW is about recognizing the unique contributions and tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success.
School counselors actively engage in helping students examine their abilities, strengths, interests and talents; working in a partnership with parents as they encounter challenges of raising children in today’s world; focus on positive ways to enhance students’ academic, career and social/emotional development; and work with teachers and other educators to provide an environment where students can realize their potential.
Let's make sure our school counselors feel the love this week and recognize all the hard work they do!
K-4 Ms. Hubley-Kedinger
5-8 - Mrs. Brinkmann
9-12 - Ms. Holmes

The BVC (Brillion, Valders, Chilton) boys swim team won the EWC, Conference Swim & Dive Championship on Saturday, Feb. 4, making them Conference Champions! Congratulations!
The team competes next at the Sectional Meet in Plymouth on Saturday, Feb. 11. Good luck! #brillionlions

Why Open Enroll to Brillion Public Schools? We have a state-of-the-art STEM facility within each of our schools, a low student-to-staff ratio, highly experienced staff, and outstanding co-curricular activities.
Please view the video using the link below for more information on our fantastic schools! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyY0617AEZU
The enrollment period is from February 6-April 28, 2023. The application period closes at 4:00 pm. Parents may apply online at https://dpi.wi.gov/oe
For questions please call the office at 920-756-2368 or email mbauknec@brillionsd.org. Thank you for considering our proud District as the best educational option for your child! #BrillionLions

Lets show our appreciation to BPS's School Counselors! This week,
February 6-10, is School Counselors Appreciation Week. We are thankful for the care and kindness they show to students and their willingness to help our students. Thank you! #brillionlions

On February 4, 2023, 13 Brillion High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) members competed in the Regional Leadership Conference in Juneau, WI.
The students competed in a variety of different areas regarding business including: Marketing, Business Procedures, Financial Math Journalism, and Agribusiness.
Six members of the Brillion High School FBLA chapter have qualified to advance to the state level, which will take place in Green Bay, WI in April.
Mariah: Business Calculations, Natalie: Business Communications, Collin: Computer Problem Solving, Lily: Human Resources Management, Tiffany: Introduction to Financial Math, and Kaitlin: Public Speaking.
Congratulations! We wish you well in your state competition. #brillionlions

Motivational Monday 02/06/2023 #brillionlions