At the exact same time that the Brillion boys basketball team was battling for the gold ball in Madison, five juniors from BHS were battling for the gold knight at the Wisconsin State Scholastic Chess Championships at UW-Oshkosh.
The championships are played in five-person teams and Brilliion was represented by Ben S., Quin K., Wyatt S., Alexander B., and Daniel P. Their combined pre-tournament ranking qualified them to compete in the highest division where the team placed ninth. However, Daniel P. went a perfect 5-0 on the weekend at the most challenging board to win the individual title of Division 1 Board 1 Champion! #brillionlions

Jeremy L. has been nominated for the Hometown Ticketing Athlete of the Week on WisSports.net. Vote here: https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1265443
to help Jeremy win!
Voting is open until Thursday at 2 pm.
Spread the word! #brillionlions

Motivational Monday 3-20-2023 Enjoy your week. #brillionlions

Reminder, there is only one week left to order eggs for "Egg My YARD".
Egg My Yard Order Form: https://tinyurl.com/yh8ucn22

The District will welcome back the Brillion High School Boys Basketball Team on Sunday, March 19, 2023, starting at 1:00 pm. The team will arrive at Braun's Deer Run Golf Course @ 1:00 pm and will load the fire trucks. The fire trucks will proceed through town on Main St. and turn left by Kwik Trip and continue out to Brillion High School.
The team will unload from the bus at the high school by the east side doors (door K) and proceed through the hallway to the commons and enter the gym on the commons side. There will be a pep rally for the team in the gym after the fire truck ride. Everyone is invited to see the parade and come to the pep rally.
Good luck to the team in the state championship game!!
Go Big Red!! #brillionlions

Today many students participated in the "wearing of the green" for St. Patricks Day.

Throwback Thursday. Just one year ago the 2022 Basketball Team was on its way to Madison. Good luck to the 2023 Basketball Team as they also head down to Madison! #brillionlions #throwbackthursday #GoBigRed

Elementary and MS students were able to cheer on the Basketball Team before they left to play in Madison. Go Big Red! #brillionlions

Throwback Thursday
BOOYAH! Take a look at the third-grade class from 2002-2003. #brillionlions #throwbackthursday

The National Honor Society is once again hosting an Elementary Spring Carnival and it is this weekend! Please see the attached flyer for details if you are interested. #brillionlions

6th grade Art Achievement winners from trimester 2. Congratulations students! #brillionlions

Sixth Grade Art Achievement Winners. Congratulations #brillionlions

Seventh grade Art Achievement winners for trimester 2. Awesome job students! #brillionlions

Welcome, Kayla Jensen to Brillion Public Schools! We are thrilled you are part of the team.
Kayla was hired for the Middle School Administrative Assistant position. Please give Kayla a warm welcome. #brillionlions

The boys basketball playoff game will be held at Denmark High School on Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 7pm against Campbellsport.
Pre-sale tickets will be available at the high school office on Tuesday, 8:00am - 5:15pm, Wednesday, 7:30am-3:00pm, and Thursday, 7:30am-noon.
Tickets are $7 each; for children 6 and under, they are $1. (Reminder- for all WIAA playoff games, EWC passes cannot be used.) Tickets will also be sold at the door that night. Go Big Red! #brillionlions

Motivational Monday 03-06-2023. Enjoy your week. #brillionlions

To show our appreciation to the police officers and firefighters, our 2nd graders wrote and delivered letters yesterday, March 2. Thank you for all that you do for our community! #brillionlions

Surprise your family with some Easter morning fun! Let our Easter bunnies do the work for you! If you live in the Brillion school district, the BHS National Honor Society would like to Egg Your Yard this year with candy-filled eggs so that you can wake up to a beautiful sight.
Limited spots are available, so book yours today!
Orders must be placed by March 24 online:
Egg My Yard- https://tinyurl.com/yh8ucn22