Thank you Holly Thurow-Riahi for 20 years of dedicated service as a member of the Brillion Board of Education. We thank you for your hard work, thoughtful guidance, and dedication to our district! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Holly 2
Today was the second round of 4H/4W Shark Tank Kids Edition! Thank you to our guest Sharks: Mrs. Eijtjes, Mrs. Fischer, & Mrs. Geiger! They asked awesome questions and had our fourth-grade entrepreneurs thinking about great ideas to further help their businesses be successful! Stay tuned as our last round of 4H/4W Shark Tank Kids Edition will be tomorrow! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
day 2
day 2
day 2
Such great-looking Lions! #throwbackthursday #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Sixth graders used Starbursts to learn about the rock cycle. They took their candy from Starburst to Sediments to Sedimentary rock. Then, they changed them to Metamorphic rock, and finally to Igneous rock.
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
The varsity and JV softball games today, May 2, 2023, between Brillion and New Holstein at New Holstein have been canceled. The varsity and JV games are rescheduled to tomorrow Wednesday, May 3, 2023, at New Holstein. Game times are 4 pm. #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
The ROAR May 1-2, 2023 #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
STATE CHAMPS! The Brillion FFA Poultry team won first place at the State Contest in Madison this past week. The girls now advance to the National contest held in Indianapolis in October. There were 40 teams entered in the State contest. Emma K took first place individually, Reece was 5th and Emma W was 6th. Congratulations and good luck at Nationals! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
FFA Team
Happy School Principals' Day, Mrs. Carrie Deiter, Mrs. Bonnie Olson, and Mrs. Elissa Hoffman! Our entire school community thanks you today and every day for the work you do from managing students to achieve more, managing students as well as teachers, and helping parents/guardians when concerns or questions arise. Thank you for everything you do to make sure that students and staff have what they need to be successful! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Happy Principal Day
Motivational Monday 5-1-2023. Enjoy your week! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Motivational Monday
Brillion Elementary School has an opening for a full-time elementary teacher. The teaching position is for grade 3 or 4. The district offers health and retirement benefits. To become part of our outstanding team and learn more about the position please select the link below. #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Elementary Teacher
#throwbackthursday 1992-1993 What a great group of young lions! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Last Friday evening the Boys Basketball Team was recognized at the Milwaukee Brewer's baseball game for winning the State Championship! So much fun! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
BB Team at Brewer Game
The fourth-grade students just finished the State test called the Wisconsin Forward Exam. Students in Mrs. Woerishofer’s class celebrated all of their hard work by opening their “Effort Celebration Box.” Every time students demonstrated their best effort on the test or a test session, they earned a clue about one of the rewards inside the box. The rewards ranged from an ice cream sundae party to a game of class kickball including Mrs. Woerishofer. #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
The Brillion School District is accepting applications for a full-time Cross Categorical Special Education Teacher at the middle school for the 2023-2024 school year. This is an excellent opportunity to work with a small caseload of students in an inclusive environment. If you want to learn more about the position and apply please select the link below. #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
MS Spec. Ed.
The second graders made chalk drawings and messages to remind everyone about Earth Day! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
earth day
earth day
earth day
earth day
earth day
earth day
earth day
earth day
earth day
The ROAR 4-24-2023 Elementary/MS Newsletter #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Motivational Monday 4-24-2023 Enjoy your week! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Motivational Monday 4 24 23
Mrs. Schuh's students were learning what "matter" is. Students are also keeping journals of plant growth. STEM is so much fun! #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
Mrs. Schuh 2
Mrs. Schu
How plant grow
Junior Prom, 1983, the theme was "Just You and Me." #throwbackthursday #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec
We have some very talented artists in the Elementary School. #brillionlions
almost 2 years ago, Margie Bauknec